Ellen, I Am Who I Am
Anna Dís Ólafsdóttir
Celebrated singer & songwriter, Ellen Kristjánsdóttir, embarks on a journey of discovery through her complicated family history littered with deep sorrows and amazing successes. Her journey takes Ellen to her city of birth in California, USA, in search of truth, healing and new discoveries.
Original title: Ellen, ég verð aldrei önnur en ég er
English title: Ellen, I am who I am
Genre: Documentary
Language: Icelandic, English
Director: Anna Dís Ólafsdóttir
Scrip: Anna Dís Ólafsdóttir, Anna Rósa Parker, Guðný Guðjónsdóttir
Producers: Sara Djeddou Baldursdóttir, Anna Dís Ólafsdóttir og Guðný Guðjónsdóttir
Director of photography: Anton Smári Gunnarsson
Editor: Kristján Kristjánsson
Music: Ellen Kristjánsdóttir
Cast: Aiden King og Kayley Clesen
Sound design: Nick Cathart Jones
Costume design: Elín Reynisdóttir
Set design: Elín Reynisdóttir
Production company: Lamina Pictures ehf..
Sölu- og dreifingarfyrirtæki innanlands: Lamina Pictures ehf.
Site: https://www.laminapictures.is/
Estimated length: 80-90 mín
Shooting format: 4K
Screening format: 4K & HD
Ratio format: 16:9
Production countries: Iceland, USA