Laws and regulations on The Icelandic Film Fund
Laws and regulations
The Icelandic Film Centre, as well as other film institutions such as the National Film Archive of Iceland, is overseen by the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs.
In its current form, the Icelandic Film Centre operates according to a law (English translation) that dates from 2003, which is amended periodically (in case of discrepancies between the translated version of the film act and the Icelandic version, the Icelandic version shall prevail).
Regulations governing the operation of the Icelandic Film Fund were also laid down in 2003, also with periodic amendments. Those regulations can be found in English translation here.
Film Policy
The current Film Policy, which is the result of a special initiative by the Minister of Education, Science and Culture to create a more comprehensive film policy over a longer period of time, covers the period 2020–2030. The policy can be found in English translation here.
Previously national film policy was updated through a new Film Agreement, created collaboratively by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and stakeholders within the film industry, and then subject to approval by the Icelandic parliament. The agreement covered how government expenditures in film were spent and organized, which actions and policy areas would be emphasized, and which parties would be responsible for implementing those actions.
Film Council
The Minister of Education, Science and Culture appoints a Film Council to advise on matters relating to film and television production in Iceland and serve as a liaison between the ministry and the industry.
The chair and vice-chair of the Film Council are appointed by the minister. Other members are nominated by the various filmmaking guilds (see more about the guilds here).