Facts & Figures

Key figures

Turnover in the Icelandic film industry according to Statistic Iceland

The picture below shows the turnover in motion picture, video and television programme production activities according to VAT-reports in ISK billions. Further information can be found at the website of Statistic Iceland by selecting the activity no. 59.11 - motion picture, video and television programme production activities. 


The Icelandic cinema market share

This overview of the last few years clearly demonstrates the dominance of American films in Iceland. Their market share is usually around 85-90% but can swing in both directions by year.

American films are also the majority of all films screened in Iceland, but domestic film festivals and arthouse cinemas have increased the diversity of world cinema in recent years. 

The market share of Icelandic films may seem low in this context, but two things should be kept in mind; the Icelandic cinema market is proportionally quite large (attendance pr. capita is usually around 4-5 in Iceland, when the European average is around 2) - and the average attendance to domestic films is quite high, or around 5% of the population. That's a lot higher than the average attendance to domestic films in the other Nordic countries. 

  2020 2019 2018  2017 2016  2015  2014
Icelandic feature films premiered in cinemas
 104  8  8
Icelandic documentaries premiered in cinemas
 610 10  8  n/a
  1717 15 15 15 15
Cinemas - digitally equipped
  1717  1414 14 14
Cinema screens
  4343  4040 41 40
Cinema screens - digitally equipped
  4340 39 39 39 39
Cinema screens - 3D equipped
  3030  3030 30 30
Cinema seats
  6.5516.604  6.8286.833 7.054 6.799
Average ticket price excl. VAT
    934,8 kr.892,5 kr. 842 kr. 829 kr.
Average ticket price incl. VAT
1.306kr 1.247 kr. 1.242 kr. 1.230 kr. 1.190 kr. 1.123 kr. 1105 kr.
Admissions (total)
507.927 1.267.298 1.445.445 1.373.178 1.420.503 1.382.494 1.344.569
Admissions per capita
 3,5   3,9 4,3 4,2 4,1
Admissions - Icelandic films
69.586 53.871 163.885 122.591 91.221 61.847 148.146
GBO (total)
663.243.954 kr 1.580.370.576 kr 1.796.654.876 kr. 1.689.529.817 kr. 

1.689.783.655 kr.

1.551.569.621 kr. 1.485.618.475 kr.
GBO - Icelandic films
115.000.000 kr 76.000.000 kr 240.000.000 kr. 189.460.952 kr. 111.521.594 kr. 73.824.318 kr. 196.952.859 kr.
GBO - US films
   1.442.759.208 kr. 1.527.995.946 kr. 1.334.446.458 kr. 1.247.598.640 kr.
GBO - European films
   56.349.767 kr. 49.033.245 kr. 136.295.356 kr. 41.066.976 kr.
GBO - Other films (ROW)
   959.890 kr. 1.232.870 kr. 7.003.489 kr. 0 kr.
Icelandic films market share
 17%4,8%13,3% 11,2% 6,6% 4,8% 13,3%
US films market share
 91%84,3% 85,4% 90,4% 86% 84%
European films market share
   3,3% 2,9% 8,7% 2,7%
Other films (ROW) market share
   0,1% 0,1% 0,5% 0%