Bragi Þór Hinriksson
In the aftermath of a brutal sexual assault, a young lawyer questions her sanity as she battles with inner demons, unsure if her paranoia is consuming her or the malevolent spirit of the murder victim who met her end in the very place she calls home.
Original title: Röskun
English title: Disturbed
Director: Bragi Þór Hinriksson
Script: Helga Arnardóttir
Producers: Bragi Þór Hinriksson, Helga Arnardóttir, Valdimar Kúld
Coproducer: Stephanie Wiese
Production company: H.M.S. Productions ehf.
Coproduction companies: Síminn / Rocket Road Pictures ApS
Shooting format: Digital 6K
Estimated start of shooting: Janúar 2025
International sales and distribution: Scanbox / Level K.
Contact: Bragi Þór Hinriksson