Work in Progress

Man in the Storeroom

María Sólrún

A young drug addict hides in the storeroom in an apartment of a policewoman and her boyfriend to get clean. The policewoman finds him, they discover they are both Icelandic, she lets him stay hidden and starts making drastic decisions both in her work and private life.

Original title: Maður í kompunni
English title: Man in the Storeroom
Genre: Drama/dökk kómedía (screwball realism)

Director: María Sólrún
Script: María Sólrún

Producers: Hlín Jóhannesdóttir og Arnar Benjamín Kristjánsson
Coproducers: Jonas Kellagher, Nina Frese
Production company: Sagafilm
Coproduction companies: CommonGround Pictures, Wunderlust

Shooting format: HD

Estimated start of shooting: 2025
