Wongai: And we dance
Hanna Björk Valsdóttir
At a small dance studio in Reykjavík drummers and dancers from Guinea, West-Africa teach Icelandic women to move to the rhythm of the rich African culture of the homeland they left behind, in search of a better life in the Western world. But what is a better life?
Original title: Litla Afríka (working title)
English title: Wongai: And we dance (working title)
Director/Script: Hanna Björk Valsdóttir
Producer: Hanna Björk Valsdóttir
Coproducer: Hannu-Pekka Vitikainen
Director of photography: Hannu-Pekka Vitikainen
Sound design: Björn Viktorsson
Production copmany: Akkeri Films ehf.
Coproduction company: Zone2 Pictures Oy
Contact: Hanna Björk - hannabjork@gmail.com
Length: 80 mín / 52 mín
Shooting format: 4K
Screening format: DCP
Scheduled premiere: 2022