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International distributor Salaud Morisset boards Cannes bound short from Iceland FÁR

The French distribution company Salaud Morisset has aquired the distribution rights to Fár, a short by Icelandic filmmaker Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter.

Fár will have its world premiere in the Short Films Competition at the Cannes Film Festival on May 26th, where it competes with 11 other titles selected out of 4288 shorts that applied this year.


Salaud Morisset distributes a selective slate of 5-6 handpicked short films per year. The company handles distribution in close collaboration with the respective filmmakers – from festival submissions and print traffic to TV sales and multi-territory deals with streaming platforms.

"We were truly impressed by how concisely Fár manages to disturb and confront us with our human tendency towards blatant indifference to suffering or, on the contrary, morbid voyeurism."